A Brief Introduction to Influence Funtion Technique
This post explains how to calculate efficiency bound through influence function technique.
A statistic \(\phi(P) \in\mathbb{R}\), which is a function of the distribution of the vector \(X\), \(P(X)\). Examples include \(\mathbb{E}[X], \text{Var}(X)\). How to define the differentiability of \(\phi\) at \(P^0\)? Let’s mimic the first order Taylor Expansion for \(\phi\) in the functional form:
\[\phi(P)\approx \phi(P^0)+D\phi(P-P^0)\]How to define it properly?
1. Frechet derivative at \(P^0\)
Frechet derivative at \(P^0\) is defined as:
\[\lim _{P \rightarrow P^{0}} \frac{||\left(\phi(P)-\phi\left(P^{0}\right)\right)-D \phi\left(P-P^{0}\right)||_U}{\left\|P-P^{0}\right\|_V}=0\]where \(D\phi\) is a continuous linear functional with respect to some norm \(\|P\|\).
Example: \(L^2\) norm on the space of densities.
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:l2norm} ||P||=\sqrt{\int\left(d P / d P^{0}\right)^{2} d P^{0}} \end{equation}
To handle the functional operation, we need the following representation theorem.
2. Riesz representation theorem
Let \(\mathscr{H}\) be any Hilbert space with inner product \(\langle\cdot, \cdot\rangle\) and the induced norm.Then for any continuous linear functional \(\psi: \mathscr{H} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), there is an element \(x \in \mathscr{H}\) such that \(\forall y \in \mathscr{H}\),
\[\psi(y)=\langle x, y\rangle\]3. Influence function
Take \(\mathscr{H}\) to be the space of all measurable functions of \(X\) which have mean zero and finite variance under \(P^0\). The inner product is defined as \(\langle y, z\rangle=E^{0}[y(X) \cdot z(X)]=\operatorname{Cov}(y, z)\).
Recall form \eqref{eqn:l2norm} the the norm of distribution is defined in the relative density sense, therefor there exists another linear functional \(D^\prime \phi\) such that
\[\begin{aligned} D\phi(P-P^0)&=D^\prime\phi(\frac{dP}{dP^0}-\frac{dP}{dP^0})=D^\prime\phi(\frac{dP}{dP^0}-1)=\mathbb{E}^0[IF(X)\cdot\frac{dP}{dP^0}(X)]\\ &=\int IF(X)\cdot\frac{dP}{dP^0}(X)dP^0(X)\\ &=\int IF(X)\cdot dP(X)=\mathbb{E}[IF(X)]\\ \end{aligned}\]Hence we have
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:IF} \phi(P) \approx \phi\left(P^{0}\right)+\mathbb{E}[I F(X)]. \end{equation}
4. Intuitive derivation of influence function
Suppose we construct the plug-in estimator \(\hat{\phi}=\phi(P_n)\), where \(P_n\) is the empirical distribution
\[P_n=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\delta_{X_i},\]then use the linear property of the functional, we have
\[\begin{aligned} \widehat{\phi} &\approx \phi\left(P^{0}\right)+D \phi\left(P_{n}-P^{0}\right)=\phi\left(P^{0}\right)+\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n D \phi\left(\delta_{X_{i}}-P^{0}\right)\\ &=\phi(P^0)+E_n[D\phi(\delta_{X_i}-P^0)]. \end{aligned}\]where \(E_n\) is the sample average. This suggests
\[IF(X)=D\phi(\delta_X-P^0).\]5. How to actually calculate influence function?
Using directional derivatives: consider families of distributions indexed by a scalar \(\theta\) with \(P(X;\theta)\). Then from \eqref{eqn:IF} we directly have
\[\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial \theta}=\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\mathbb{E}[IF(X)]=\int IF(X)\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}dP(X;\theta).\]and normalize it to so that \(IF\) has zero mean.
- $$ \phi(P)=\operatorname{Var}(X)=\int X^{2} d P-\left(\int X d P\right)^{2} $$ Then $$ \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial \theta}&=\int X^{2} \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} d P-2\left(\int X d P\right) \int X \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} dP\\ &=\int\left(X^{2}-2 E[X] \cdot X\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} dP \end{aligned} $$ Normalize it to get $$ I F(X)=X^{2}-2 E[X] \cdot X-\operatorname{Var}(X)+E[X]^{2}! $$
6. Why should we care about influence function?
Most importantly, it implies the asymptotic efficiency bound for estimating \(\phi\) is
\[\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} n\cdot \operatorname{Var}(\hat{\phi})\geq \operatorname{Var}(IF(X)),\]which provides a powerful alternative when Fisher information style argument is not applicable!
For details see Asymptotic statistics and Semiparametric theory and missing data.
7. An application
In Offline Policy Evaluation, the asympototic linear Cramer-Rao lower bound is obtained using Information Function technique for the first time! See Theorem 4.5 of paper Bootstrapping Statistical Inference for Off-Policy Evaluation for more details.
The content of this post mainly comes from this note of Maximilian Kasy.